Thursday, March 12, 2009


Here's a really quick doodle I did for Illustration Friday. The theme is "intricate" and I thought about all the 'intricate' details of our country's economic system and, more especially, the methods which we use to attempt to stimulate growth. I wanted the doodle to look crude, but I think my coloring is too heaving and it looks muddy now. Oh well...maybe it's more appropriate that way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pencil Tests VI

For this animation I had to create a scene from 3 expressive key frames. I based this off of an illustration I did a while back. The illustration was a sequential 3 panel piece that showed a man drinking from a bottle and then discovering it is laxative and then running off. I think it translated well into an animation.

Pencil Tests V

Here's my full head turn. The frames need to be cleaned up, but I think the action is nice.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm trying my hand at fonts now. This first one is pretty crude, but I kind of wanted it that way.